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How to Get Someone's Facebook Password

Hacking into other peoples' Facebook accounts is an infringement on personal privacy, and should be avoided. This article will show you a few popular methods for stealing passwords with the intention of teaching you how to better protect your own online privacy.

Part 1 of 2: Acquiring a Password

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    Use a keystroke logger. A keystroke logger, or keystroke recorder, is a surveillance tool used to record and store keyboard activity so that users can go back later and access passwords, emails, instant messages, and other data.[1] They are often used by parents, spouses, and employers to detect cheating.
    • Keystroke loggers are available in both hardware and software format. Software-based keystroke loggers have to be installed onto the target computer, whereas hardware devices can be attached externally, usually in the computer's cable connector.
    • The type of system you choose will depend on a variety of factors, including whether or not you have access to the target computer. Some systems allow you to access the keystroke log from a remote location.[2]
    • You may want to consider installing the keystroke logger onto your own computer and then having the target log into his or her Facebook account on your computer. This way you won't have to deal with potentially getting caught by spyware.
    • Some programs claim to be resistant to spyware detection tools.[3]
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    Search their computer. There's a possibility that this person stores his or her login information for Facebook, e-mail, and other accounts stored in a Word document. Do a finder search for folders entitled "Passwords," "Info," "Accounts," or other key words/phrases.
    • If you find a document with login information to accounts other than Facebook, try them; lots of people reuse passwords so that they don't have to remember a bunch of different ones.
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    Watch them type it in. This is probably the most straight-forward way to get somebody's Facebook password, but you will need to watch closely, especially if you are dealing with a fast typer. You may need to see the password being entered in multiple times before finally getting the whole thing.
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    Have them log into their account on your computer or mobile device. If they forget to log out when they are done, then you will have access to this person's account without even having to know the password.
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    Guess it. If you know any other passwords that this person uses (to log into their email, for example), then it's possible they're using the same password for Facebook. You can also try using key words or numbers that are meaningful to the person, like their first, last name, pet's name, and birthday. The following is a list of the most common passwords used in 2012, in descending order:
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    Ask them for it. You should only access another person's Facebook account if you have permission to do so. If this person wants you to have their password, they will give it to you. Otherwise, respect his or her privacy.

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    Pick a unique password. Avoid using names, birthdays, home addresses, or real words in your password, as these are easy to guess. To ensure security, your password should be a combination of words and letters, preferably in a totally random order. The longer and more random your password is, the better.
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    Use different passwords for different accounts. If you use the same password for your email, your online banking, and your Facebook account, then it will be easier for people to hack into all of your information once they have discovered one of your passwords.
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    Change your password frequently. If you suspect that somebody else has your login information, then you should change your password immediately to prevent them from hacking into your account without your permission.
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    Remember to log out. This is especially important if you are logging into your account on somebody else's computer or mobile device. You may even want to consider logging out of your account on your own computer each time, especially if you know that somebody else will be using your computer.
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    Install a firewall to detect keystroke logging. The firewall will alert you anytime information on your computer is being sent out to a third party and ask for your permission first.[14]


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