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Common Errors in English Language (English Language ICSE Project)


Learning a language involves becoming proficient in the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Mistakes are an inevitable part of this process and neither the teacher nor the student should become fixated on them. It is useful for both, however, to have an understanding of the variety of typical errors in written English, since these are the most amenable to correction. 


1. The gang cannot distinguish the Good from the Evil’
2. She is afraid to enter the house, to face the reality’
3. He prefers to live close to the nature because he is afraid of the death’
4. The Paris is big city
5. The iron is a useful metal.
6. We should not make noise
7. I have an urgent business.
8. Do you sell eggs by kilo or by dozen?
9. What kind of a flower is it  ?
10. This is a news to me  .
1.‘The gang cannot distinguish Good from Evil'
2.‘She is afraid to enter/of entering the house to face reality’
3.‘He prefers to live close to nature because he is afraid of death’
4. Paris is a big city.
5.  Iron is a useful metal.
6. We should not make a noise.
7. : I have urgent business. OR I have some urgent business.
8. Do you sell eggs by the kilo or by the dozen?
9.What kind of  flower is it ?
10. This is news to me.


1. ‘They come at home’
2.‘We can follow the evolution of her state of mind by the description of the house’
3.‘Daisy is married with Tom’
4.‘The problem I am confronted to’
5.‘She has not seen her son during eight years’
6.They have known each other since eight years’
7.‘In the whole story…’
8.‘She is unaware of the conflict happening in her’
9.‘She only wants to get in her son’s room’
10.‘ ‘The second waiter feels the same that the old man’
1.   They come home’
2.   We can follow the evolution of her state of mind through the
2.description of the house’
3.   Daisy is married to Tom’
4.   ‘The problem I am confronted with’
5.   ‘She has not seen her son for eight years
6.   ‘They have known each other for eight years
7.   ‘throughout the story
8.   ‘She is unaware of the conflict happening inside her
9.   ‘She only wants to get into her son’s room’
   10.The second waiter feels the same that the old man’


1.    ‘She sees her from a certain distance
2.   The wolf, who is a wild animal…
3.   ‘Mrs. Carnavon’s behaviour is the one of a depressed person’
4.   ‘The third image is the one of the magazine’
5.   : Who did the mouse scare?
6.   The person wrote their paper quickly.
7.   The writers wrote his papers quickly
8.   : The construction crew finished their project
9.   Everyone loves their baby
10.The construction crew, some of them laughing, strolled onto the work site and gathered its tools.
1.   ‘She sees herself from a certain distance’
2.   The wolf, which is a wild animal…
3.   ‘Mrs Carnavon’s behaviour is that of a depressed person’
4.   The third image is the one of the magazine’
5.   Whom did the mouse scare?
6.   The person wrote his or her paper quickly.
7.   The writers wrote their papers quickly.
8.   : The construction crew finished its project
9.   Everyone who is a mother loves her baby
             10.   The construction crew, some of them laughing, strolled    
                       onto the work site and gathered their tools.


1.    ‘Her stepfather often comes to see her. One day he asked her…
2.   ‘The atmosphere is tense and the author is still intensifying it with words like
3.   This is a way to protect herself and to avoid to show what she really feels’
4.   ‘This shows that she is not used to go into her son’s room’
5.   ‘This scene explains her decision of getting rid of Harry’s belongings’
6.   He would like that the old man leaves’
7.   She wants that they know’
8.   When we watch movies we can or cannot identify with the characters’
9.   ‘Jim and Crystal Styan live in a log cabin by a river for five years’
10.Everyone at the meeting are responsible for a presentation.
1.    ‘Her stepfather often comes to see her. One day he asks her..
2.   The atmosphere is tense and the author intensifies it further with words like
3.   ‘This is a way to protect herself and to avoid showing what she really feels
4.   ‘This shows that she is not used to going into her son’s room’
5.   This scene explains her decision to get rid of Harry’s
6.   He would like the old man to leave’
7.   ‘She wants them to know’
8.   ‘When we watch movies we may or may not identify with the
9. Jim and Crystal Styan have lived/have been living in a log
    cabin by a river for five years’
10. Everyone at the meeting is responsible for a presentation


1.   ‘We are given many informations about the characters’ thoughts’
2.   ‘We have few evidences that the author is being ironic’
3.   She likes to feed the poors.
4.   I told these news to my father
5.   The teacher gave us many advices.
6.   I have a five dollars note.
7.   She has bought two dozens apples.
8.   : I saw many deers in the jungle.
9.   Please put your sign here.
             10.She is my cousin sister.
1. We are given much information about the characters’
2. ‘We have little evidence that the author is being ironic’
3.  She likes to feed the poor.
4. I told this news to my father
5. The teacher gave us some advice.
6.  I have a five dollar note.
7.  She has bought two dozen apples.
8. I saw many deer in the jungle
9.Please put your signature here
10.She is my cousin.


1. Incorrect: From the two she is pretty.
   Correct: She is the prettier of the two
2. Incorrect: There is a best student in that class.
   Correct: There is a very good student in that class.
3. Incorrect: I have never seen a so good boy.
   Correct: I have never seen such a good boy
   Correct :I have never seen so good a boy.
 4. Incorrect: He was a so big man that he could not sit in that chair.
     Correct: He was so big a man that he could not sit in that chair.
5. Incorrect: Yours affectionate brother
    Correct: Your affectionate brother
    Correct: Yours affectionately
6. Incorrect: Your lovely friend
   Correct: Your loving friend
7. Incorrect: The woman held the baby in the both hands.
   Correct: The woman held the baby in both hands.
   Correct: The woman held the baby in both her hands.
8. Incorrect: They have no any children.
   Correct: They have no children.
   Correct: They don’t have any children
9. Incorrect: Shakespeare is greater than any other poets.
   Correct: Shakespeare is greater than any other poet.
10. Incorrect: Alice is taller than any other girls in the class.
     Correct: Alice is taller than any other girl in the class.


1.   Incorrect: He plays tennis good.
 Correct: He plays tennis well.
2. Incorrect: I am very much sorry.
   Correct: I am very sorry
3. Incorrect: I am very much sorry.
   Correct: I am very sorry
4. Incorrect: I am much tired.
   Correct: I am very tired.
5. Incorrect: She is so poor to pay the dues.
   Correct: She is too poor to pay the dues.
6. Incorrect: It is very hot to go out.
   Correct: It is too hot to go out.
7. Incorrect: She carefully drove.
  Correct: She drove carefully.
8. Incorrect: The room is enough spacious for us.
   Correct: The room is spacious enough for us.
9. Incorrect: I know to swim.
   Correct: I know how to swim.
10. Incorrect: He is not clever to solve the problem.
Correct: He is not clever enough to solve the problem.


1. Incorrect: He is ill since last week.
   Correct: He has been ill since last week.
2. Incorrect: He has been working since two hours.
   Correct: He has been working for two hours.
 3. Incorrect: This paper is inferior than that.
     Correct: This paper is inferior to that
 4. Incorrect: He is junior than me.
     Correct: He is junior to me.
 5. Incorrect: He rides in a cycle.
    Correct: He rides on a cycle.
6. Incorrect: He rides on a car.
   Correct: He rides in a car
7. Incorrect: There was a match between team A against team B.
    Correct: There was a match between team A and team B.
8. Incorrect: The meeting will be held between 4 pm to 6 pm.
   Correct: The meeting will be held between 4 pm and 6 pm
9. Incorrect: The First World War was fought during 1914 – 18.
    Correct: The First World War was fought between 1914 and 1918.
10. Incorrect: There was a fight with John and Peter.
     Correct: There was a fight between John and Peter.


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