A social
networking service is a platform to build social
networks or social relations among people who, share interests,
activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. A social network service
consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his social links,
and a variety of additional services. Social networking is web-based services
that allow individuals to create a public profile, to create a list of users
with whom to share connection, and view and cross the connections within the system.
Common social networking sites are Facebook ,Twitter , Google Plus+,Tumblr,
Instagram etc.
The advent
of social networking platforms may also be impacting the way(s) in
which learners engage with technology in general. Social networks and their
educational uses are of interest to many researchers. Educators and advocates
of new digital literacies are confident that social networking
encourages the development of transferable, technical, and social skills of
value in formal and informal learning. In a formal learning environment,
goals or objectives are determined by an outside department or agency. Tweeting, instant
messaging, or blogging enhances student involvement.
Students who
would not normally participate in class are more apt to partake through social
network services. One other use that is being discussed is the use of social
networks in the science communities. In fact, researchers use social networks
frequently to maintain and develop professional relationships. Overuse of
social networking may also make children more susceptible to depression and
anxiety. Some students may tend to use to these social networking sites till
mid night or even more which can obviously lead to health related problems.
Some students
may spend time in social networking through which they lack to spend time with
their family members. Some students may provide detailed information like phone
numbers, address which is very dangerous because they can easily tracked
down by strangers.
A common
misuse of social networking sites such as Facebook is that it is
occasionally used to emotionally abuse individuals. Such actions are often
referred to as trolling. It is not rare for confrontations in the real world to
be translated online. Trolling can occur in many different forms, such as (but
not limited to) defacement of deceased person(s) tribute pages, name calling,
playing online pranks on volatile individuals and controversial comments
with the intention to cause anger and cause arguments.
networking can also be a risk to child safety in another way; parents can get
addicted to games and neglect their children. One instance in South Korea
resulted in the death of a child from starvation. As social networking sites
have risen in popularity over the past years, people have been spending an
excessive amount of time on the Internet in general and social networking sites
in specific. This has led researchers to debate the establishment of Internet
addiction as an actual clinical disorder. Social networking can also affect the
extent to which a person feels lonely.
According to
a study by JCA, an institution that specializes in personal and social
developments, 500 teachers have concluded that students with the poorest grades
were far more active in social networking. Claims are made that students are
even using internet slang as a substitute to proper English grammar. With
the unstoppable growth of Social Media, it is no doubt that it's influence will
continue to shape students and their educational behavior in schools. As it
grows this worrying trend could become a dire issue indeed.

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