PECTORAL REGION MAMMARY GLAND (LE) MAMMARY GLAND- BLOOD SUPPLY, LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE AND APPLIED ANATOMY. (SE ) The female mammary gland is a gland of lactation. Though it is present in males it is not functional. Extent Transversely from lateral margin of sternum to midaxillary line Vertically from 2 nd to 6 th rib A small extension into the axilla is known as Axillary tail Structure- The mammary gland is made up of modified sweat glands and fibro-fatty tissue and lies wholly in the superficial fascia. In the central part there is a projection called the nipple and around it a pigmented area known as areola. The gland has 18 to 20 lobes, seperated by connective tissue. Each lobe is made up of a number of acini which opens separately through the nipple by lactiferous duct and presents a dilatation close to the terminal part called lactiferous sinus. Fibrous septae extending between skin and pectoral fascia called suspensory ligament, anchors the ...
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